Goblin by Ever Dundas

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I’m still thinking about Goblin. As I write, as I review other books, as I sit and stare at my cactus garden on a crisp June morning, Goblin is there, tempting me back into her world.

Goblin by Ever Dundas. Read my review on Shiny New Books http://shinynewbooks.co.uk/goblin-by-ever-dundas/

“Goblin begins in a library, with an elderly woman, a Reader in Residence, in conversation with a vagrant, Ben, occupying himself with eating the pages of books. Goblin is troubled; she’s a bit of an alcoholic, rough around the edges, self-neglecting. Old photographs, flashbacks, an enquiring Ben and a fainting fit, all bring her back to her childhood; and she decides to write down her life story in the form of a memoir.” – read my full review here –http://shinynewbooks.co.uk/goblin-by-ever-dundas/

I’m delighted to read the reviews pouring in, all praising this fine work. Ever Dundas has achieved something most of us strive towards for decades, a union of complexity and depth on the one hand, and fine storytelling on the other. Goblin is a work of significance. Ever Dundas has written a prize winner and it is a real privilege to have recognised early, before the book’s release, this gem.

You can visit the authors website @ everdundas.com

Or find her on Facebook



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